Hello, world! It's me: the British Werewolf!

My name is Harry, and this is my portfolio and thought pieces. Enjoy!

Web Logs

How I made a CLI tool in Rust for my blog Published on 2024-03-22

Today I released blogs-md-easy.
A simple CLI that takes your Markdown files, and populates a predefined HTML template with the content.

If I use the same template every time, it might seem easier to just copy and paste that template and edit the content.


It's much easier to write in a simple text format, and then copy that into HTML when I come to publish.

Why Pico CSS might be my favourite framework Published on 2024-02-19

This week the Pico team released version 2 of their lightweight, (almost) classless CSS framework.

What is Pico CSS?

In a world of pre built components, or utility class frameworks, Pico was a breath of fresh air.

Pico has just a handful of classes (unless you opt for the classless version!), but is built on the premise that you write semantic HTML and the rest is handled for you.

My projects

Blogs Made Easy blogs-md-easy

I built this tool especially for this site. Instead of manually copying an old blog and editing it, this allows me to write Markdown and convert it to HTML.

I'm proud of this one! It's my first ever published package!

Rust Yew Counter yew-simple-counter

This was the first application I ever wrote in Rust. I opted to use the Yew framework.

It's a relatively simple application - okay, it's really simple - but it does demonstrate passing data into props.

Rust Todo Yew App yew-simple-todo

My second Rust app was again using the Yew framework, but this time I added a few more dependencies as I was feeling more confident with framework.

This now utilised hooks for state, as well as a custom Store. Again, as I was still learning, I chose to implement my own store rather than a pre-made one.

I was quite proud of this project!

Programmatic Bootstrap Alerts BootstrapAlerts

The first repo I ever got a star on - this one's special!

I wanted to create a fluid way of generating alerts using Bootstrap CSS. By passing in a single object as the argument it's possible to set settings like { dismissible: true, background: "success" }.